Supplier – Frequently Asked Questions


Where do I enter financial information like my bank so that I can get paid?

In your Account Settings you will be able to enter/edit your desired account information to receive payments along with your preferred method of payment. Please make sure they are up-to-date so that you are paid seamlessly. From the Dashboard, select Settings > My Company > Financial. Once you have entered in all the information, please remember to click Save when finished.

Where can I see the commission structure / How do I set up my commission structure in your system?

Commissions are arranged at the time of contracting and all Commissions and Net Rate Mark-Ups will be handled by your SIMPLENIGHT® account manager and set in the back end of the system.

Where do I see a commission breakdown?

Suppliers can view the “Pricing Breakdown” which includes commission breakdown in the “Pricing” portion of the “Items” section in the product uploading module. Our next update will include detailed reporting and analytics which will further illustrate the financial breakdowns.